Our goal is to make every travel with kids comfortable, joyful and safe.
The comfortable travel with kids means
  • To spend less time
    - easy and fast to find location related to kids activity and to plan a trip
    - easy and fast to find location related to kids activity based on current or future location
  • To stay or to have a food at kids friendly place
    - to find kids friendly hotel or living place in a minute
    - to find kids friendly restaurants or cafes based on your location with no lack of time
  • Not to burn money during travel with kids
    - possibility to compare the fares on kids related services or activities
    - to get additional discounts or special offer from kidspoint.com
The joyful and safe travel with kids means
  • Local entertainment and activities for the kids
    - to find and to purchase kids entertainment or activities based on current or future location without any problem
  • Trusted local services that helps parents with kids
    - Possibility to buy rated babysitters, excursion and other related services
  • To feel safe during travel with kids
    - possibility to find any medical, secure and similar services for kids based on current location in a minute
    - possibility to make a choice for the living place / food/ entreatment based on trusted customers' rate and actual information
There is a huge amount of different online resources that help parents to travel with kids. Most of all are the related articles, list of POI or guided tours.
To plan or to mange travel with kids a parent have to check numbers of different online resources, blogs and social networks and to spend a lot of time without proper proof of success.

It is no app with a user-friendly interface that can help the parents to manage all kids related activity during travel in an easy manner.
The online service that helps parents to manage all open issues, that can appear during travel with kids.

  • it connects parents with rated and trusted locals kids service suppliers
  • it helps to manage family timeline or activity during the trip with proper advice and online map integration
  • it helps to choose kids friendly location for living or for dinner
  • it sells additional services like kids insurance, babysitters, local kids entertainment and many more

Market Size
1.3 billion
tourists traveled abroad in 2019
400 millions
family tourists traveled in 2019 ( around 30%)
40 millions users
10% of family tourists