Immersive technologie
Experience since 2011.
Virtual and Augmented Reality is the most powerful way to immerse the viewer in a visual environment.
Our approach is always focused on the client's business needs.

Our experience allows us to analyze the client's needs and offer the best solution.
We have developed a unique visual ecosystem of virtual and augmented reality for industrial enterprises, which can be used for marketing, advertising, training, personnel management and internal corporate needs.
VR platform for learning
It makes it possible to remotely immerse the student in the subject of study and provide unique skills in working on a complex object, even in the classroom or at home. You can use the existing panoramic content or create a new one.
Our platform can simulate objects of any complexity for training. As an addition, it is possible to create guided virtual tours.

The teacher has the ability to show and talk about a particular object remotely, and students can ask questions or practice on their own. All materials for such training can be in 360 / VR format.

The product can be created both separately according to the requirements, and as part of the production of a virtual tour. It is used for HR tasks, virtual excursions and staff training.

Content format: 360 video / 3D, 360 infographics
Placement and use: Application for training, WEB site, corporate online resource, exhibitions and presentations.
Production time: 8 - 20 weeks
Budget: 35 000 - 120 000 USD for 1 training module

Interactive Virtual Tour
Does not require a mobile application, is accessible from any device, can include any information, fast production.
Based on the panoramic content, we will create an interactive virtual tour in Web VR format, which can be easily added to the site, and also available for viewing on any mobile device in VR format without installing a special mobile application.

The tour can include any photo and video materials, both in 360 and ordinary format, text information and necessary links.

Can be used as advertising / marketing material, as well as an additional model for staff training

Content format: 360 photos and videos, 2D photos and videos, 3D graphics, text
Placement and use: WEB site, corporate online resource, exhibitions and presentations.
Shooting period: 2-4 days
Production time: 6-12 weeks
Budget: 15 000 - 80 000 USD
Presentation VR movie
It gives the opportunity to "transfer" any spectator to the plant.
The most powerful immersive experience is showing hidden production technologies from the inside, available online.
We will film your company using the latest technology in VR / 360 format and panoramic sound.

Let's create graphics that reveal technological processes. We will edit and sound the video series, integrate graphics into it and perform the necessary post-production.

The result of this work will be a panoramic video that will tell about the production, reveal the technological features and be able to "transfer" the viewer to the plant in the most immersive way.

Content format: 360 video 2D / 3D, 360 graphics 2D / 3D, Ambisonic sound
Placement and use: WEB site, YouTube, Facebook, VR headset, exhibitions and presentations
Shooting time: 2-6 days
Production time: 10 - 16 weeks
Budget: 45 000 - 170 000 USD
VR documentary movie
It makes it possible to convey the idea of a brand through human values and "immerse" any viewer in the world of the enterprise using unique virtual content.
We will create an author's script that will reveal the idea of the brand through human values and based on this script we will make a documentary film in VR format.

This approach and technology creates a unique material that can be fashion or viral. Such a film can be shown both at exhibitions and at competitive screenings or on social networks.

Content format: 360 video 2D / 3D, 360 graphics 2D / 3D, Ambisonic sound
Placement and use: WEB site, YouTube, Facebook, VR headset, competitive screenings, exhibitions.
Shooting period: 2-4 days
Production time: 8-12 weeks
Budget: 45 000 - 120 000 USD
Additional features
We can shoot from the air, in difficult temperature and dusty conditions, using special equipment and other equipment. It is possible to shoot both VR content and ordinary content within one filming process.
shooting in harsh dusty and temperature conditions
shooting from a copter at any altitude, inside from outside the premises
expeditions and surveys in difficult climatic conditions
Equipment supply
Equipment supply
We are the official distributors of AR \ VR equipment of such brands as:
- RealWare
- Pico

We can supply any amount of equipment and cover all corporate needs for VR / AR equipment.

Support & Training
Our specialists will train your employees, as well as offer the best software and can provide technical support on an ongoing basis.
Content distribution
Online Distribution
Our specialists are ready to provide technical support for implementation and online distribution of VR content. We can take over hosting and broadcasting through the network of the largest CDN operators, so that your content is delivered to the end user in the shortest possible time and without delays.

Offline Distribution
On the basis of our own VR cinema, we are ready to meet your needs for a synchronous group demonstration of panoramic material, both within the framework of exhibitions and corporate presentations.
4 reasons to choose Customview˚ solution

Since 2011, we have been specialized in solutions for the production and distribution of VR / AR content and software.

Dozens of projects have been produced and published, from solutions for large production companies to international brands.

Our specialists have vast experience and know how to produce a VR / AR product with the highest quality and in the shortest time.

We are proud of the customers who trust us:
  • Moscow Government, including the production of all content for the presentation of the city at the World Expo
  • ChTZ Group of Companies
  • Danone
  • GULAG Museum and Administration of the Magadan Region
  • Bosch
  • Kamaz Master
  • Volkswagen
  • and many others
Complex solution

A proprietary integrated solution based on Web VR (it is not necessary to create a mobile application for distributing VR content) and production of projects within the company from "A to Z".
Individual approach and our team
We have an individual approach to each client and offer solutions based on their tasks and budgets.

Our well-coordinated team includes programmers, filmmakers, VR content production specialists, and experienced managers.
An example of the stages of the production process of a VR movie
Initial stage
We will complete the preparatory stage.

We will write and agree on a script, make a storyboard, go to the location, give the necessary comments and recommendations for correct and high-quality VR shooting.

We will select, if necessary, actors, announcers, and special location.
Content production phase
We will film your business using the latest technology and panoramic sound.

We are able to shoot from the air, in difficult temperature and dusty conditions, using special equipment and other equipment.
Postproduction stage
We will make post-production of the footage according to your requirements.

We will edit a video clip, prepare content for a virtual tour, make a sound design, cleanup and color correction of the material (unwanted elements will surprisingly disappear in the frames, the floor will become clean, and the walls will be re-painted).

Let's fill the frames with graphics and infographics.

Ilya Davydenko
Phone: +7 963 610 6676